Why Content is the Key to Lead Generation
Content – it’s a word with many meanings when it comes to marketing. But what is it about content that can create leads? Firstly if you’re in an industry where your product is unknown or more technical, the key is to educate your customers. This is especially true if you’re in a B2B organisation. It comes down to whether your product or service is the right product market fit for the customer. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the ways you can provide a level of education.
Press Releases
Press releases are a great way for your organisation to show thought leadership. If you’re appearing in articles on websites with high authority domains, you’re already in a great place to show that you know and understand what’s happening within your industry. This also develops a sense of trust in your potential customers – they know who you are, what your organisation is about and the products that you’re working with.
Reports are another way of proving you know your industry. Whether you’re developing market research through your marketing agency or internal marketing team, by producing questionnaires, reviewing data and taking into consideration environmental factors, this information not only gives your organisation clarity on what you need to provide to customers, but also lets your customers know why they need your products.
Guides do exactly what they say on the tin. They guide and educate your customers and provide the essential how-to information for your industry or product. They’re also a great way of communicating why there is a need for your product and further push your customer to make a final purchase decision. When you also incorporate download forms into your marketing strategy, guides are also great for capturing data and getting leads straight to your inbox.
Infographics are a great way for customers and potential customers to digest information about your industry. It’s proven that visuals are easier than text for the human brain to process. The next time you’re putting together information, consider also using an infographic to educate users.
Blog Content
When you write blog content directed towards your target audience, you not only educate potential customers, but you also begin to inspire and convince them that you have the right product market fit – take this article as an example – how much of this information are you considering for your organisation?
When you consider adding all this to your website and online marketing efforts, you start to grow your content. You also start to appear in the right searches, with the right keywords and targeting the right people. If you’d like to find out more about the services FlairRepublic provides around content, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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