Marketing Consultancy

Marketing Consultancy vs. Marketing Agency: Which is Right for You?

When an organisation wants to ramp up their business through marketing, should they opt for a marketing consultancy or a marketing agency? Working as a hybrid at FlairRepublic in Surrey, we’ve understood this dilemma for a while.

Our digital marketing agency and marketing consultancy services offer a mix of strategic guidance, as well as execution across services like SEO, PPC, and content marketing. Our consultancy Fractional CMO services provide businesses with a leadership-driven approach based on creating an overall marketing strategy, while our agency services provide solutions to each of the marketing channels.

But enough about us – which option should you choose? Let’s explore some of the key differences between a marketing consultancy and a marketing agency to help you understand which path is the best fit.

What is a Marketing Consultancy?

A marketing consultancy works with you to provide expert advice on marketing initiatives, focusing on building out a strategy to align your marketing execution with your KPIs and objectives. While a consultancy can get involved with executing day-to-day tasks, they’re typically “consulting” and offering a high-level overview, developing strategies based on insights and a thorough analysis of your brand, market, and audience.

Contributing to our consultancy work, our Fractional CMO services offer businesses access to an experienced marketing leader on a part-time basis, meaning startups or smaller companies can benefit from senior-level expertise without the high costs of a full-time hire.

The Marketing Consultancy Process

Marketing consultancies often start by gathering information and putting together an audit of your current marketing landscape, competitive positioning, and overall business objectives. Strategy is a huge focus and they’ll often use a SWOT analysis to identify areas of opportunity or weakness. The end result? A bespoke strategy that may encompass digital marketing tactics, detailed customer personas, messaging hierarchies, and long-term growth trajectories.

Consultancies thrive in environments where businesses seek clarity on “what” needs to be done, focusing heavily on strategic foresight rather than the mechanics of execution.

What is a Marketing Agency?

A marketing agency on the other hand is all about execution. Agencies typically provide a suite of services to help businesses implement and manage specific marketing initiatives, whether it’s through SEO, PPC campaigns, or social media management.

Agencies excel in delivering hands-on support, meticulously overseeing every aspect, from creative design to campaign reporting. At FlairRepublic, our agency wing provides services such as content marketing, paid media, and SEO, allowing businesses to relinquish the reins of their marketing efforts while we execute with precision and expertise.

The Marketing Agency Process

An agency will generally take a more hands-on approach, delivering on-the-ground marketing tactics and managing the day-to-day operations of campaigns. They work in collaboration with your internal team to meet specific goals—whether that’s generating leads, increasing website traffic, or improving conversion rates.

Agencies shine in scenarios where businesses have clarity on “what” needs to happen but require adeptness to ensure flawless execution.

Marketing Consultancy vs. Marketing Agency: The Statistics

Let’s look at some statistics that highlight the importance of making the right choice for your marketing needs:

  • Companies with a well-documented marketing strategy are 313% more likely to report success than those without one (CoSchedule). This statistic accentuates the value a marketing consultancy can bring through strategic planning.
  • 61% of marketers say improving SEO and growing organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority (HubSpot). An experienced digital marketing agency that specialises in SEO can help businesses capitalise on this, ensuring their online presence grows and attracts targeted leads.
  • 64% of businesses agree that marketing strategy alignment with business goals directly impacts their profitability (Deloitte). This is where a Fractional CMO can prove invaluable, providing the strategic leadership needed to ensure all marketing efforts are aligned with broader business objectives.
  • Businesses that focus on strategic marketing see an average of 2.5x more revenue growth compared to those that don’t prioritise long-term planning (Bain & Company). This statistic supports the role of a marketing consultancy in guiding companies to establish well-thought-out, long-term strategies for sustained growth.
  • Companies that integrate a multi-channel marketing approach experience 23x higher engagement rates (Aberdeen Group). Agencies that manage a variety of digital marketing channels, such as SEO, PPC, and content marketing, can help businesses maximise engagement and lead generation through coordinated campaigns.
  • 47% of companies report that hiring a digital marketing agency improved their overall marketing performance (Statista). Agencies with specialisations in SEO, content marketing, and PPC can directly influence better outcomes by focusing on execution and performance tracking.
  • 90% of marketers agree that personalised marketing tactics boost engagement (Epsilon). Both consultancies and agencies play pivotal roles in this area – consultancies defining the appropriate personalisation strategy while agencies execute tailored campaigns across diverse platforms.
  • Organisations with a strategic focus on customer experience (CX) outperform their competitors by 80% (Gartner). A Fractional CMO can spearhead this type of strategic direction, ensuring that all marketing efforts are optimised to enhance customer experience, resulting in increased customer loyalty and long-term profitability.
  • Brands that publish 16 or more blog posts per month see 3.5x more traffic than those that post less frequently (HubSpot). Content marketing, a key service provided by digital marketing agencies, plays a crucial role in driving consistent traffic and improving brand awareness through SEO-optimised content.

These figures starkly illustrate the vital contributions both marketing consultancies and agencies can make in propelling growth and achieving results, depending on the unique stage and requirements of your business.

Marketing Consultancy vs. Marketing Agency: Key Differences

To decide whether you need a marketing consultancy or a marketing agency, it’s important to understand the key differences between the two:

1. Strategic vs. Tactical Focus

  • Marketing Consultancy: Focuses on the strategic side of marketing. A consultancy helps you identify the right path, create actionable plans, and provides guidance on how to align marketing with business objectives.
  • Marketing Agency: Is more tactical, offering services that help execute marketing strategies, from campaign creation to day-to-day management.

2. Execution vs. Advisory

  • Marketing Consultancy: Consultancies act as an external marketing strategist, providing advice and recommendations but leaving the execution of the strategy to either internal teams or third-party agencies.
  • Marketing Agency: Agencies are in the trenches, executing every aspect of the marketing strategy—from designing ads to managing social media accounts.

3. Cost Structure

  • Marketing Consultancy: Consultancy services, particularly with Fractional CMO services, often work on a retainer, day rate or project-based model, which is sometimes higher in price due to the level of expertise provided.
  • Marketing Agency: Agencies might charge on a project basis, per campaign, or through monthly retainers for ongoing management of marketing efforts. Costs can vary depending on the services required, as well as the scope of work.

4. Internal Resources

  • Marketing Consultancy: Ideal for businesses that already have an in-house marketing team but need expert advice to shape their marketing strategy.
  • Marketing Agency: Perfect for businesses that may not have internal resources for execution or want to outsource their marketing tasks.

5. Time Commitment

  • Marketing Consultancy: Consultancies often have shorter engagements, especially for strategic planning or audits. This can range from a few weeks to a few months.
  • Marketing Agency: Agency relationships often involve long-term partnerships, with agencies managing campaigns, optimising performance, and delivering continuous improvements over time.

When Should You Choose a Marketing Consultancy?

A marketing consultancy is ideal when:

  • You need strategic insight into the bigger picture.
  • Your business is facing growth challenges or new market competition.
  • You’re uncertain about your brand positioning or digital marketing roadmap.
  • You have an internal team that can handle the execution but need expert direction to ensure alignment with business goals.
  • You want access to high-level marketing leadership through Fractional CMO services.

When Should You Choose a Marketing Agency?

A marketing agency is a better fit when:

  • You need tactical support to manage and execute campaigns.
  • Your internal resources are stretched thin, leaving no bandwidth for hands-on marketing tasks.
  • You want to scale your digital presence but lack the tools or expertise in areas like SEO, PPC, or social media management.
  • You require ongoing assistance to implement and refine your digital marketing strategies.

A Hybrid Approach: Why FlairRepublic Offers Both

At FlairRepublic, we recognised the desire for seamless integration between marketing consultancy and agency services. Our Surrey-based offerings provide the best of both worlds. Even better, our agency and consultancy teams are aligned, minimising any gaps that might be found between having separate marketing companies. Our UK Fractional CMO services allow us to act as your strategic advisor, while our digital marketing agency services execute the day-to-day tasks needed to bring those strategies to life.


Choosing between a marketing consultancy and a marketing agency ultimately depends on your business’s current needs and resources. If high level strategic guidance is what you need, a consultancy may be the best choice. Conversely, if tactical execution is your priority, an agency is the way forward. If you need tactical execution, a marketing agency is the way to go. At FlairRepublic, we offer a unique hybrid of both, helping businesses in Surrey and beyond achieve their marketing goals with the perfect balance of strategy and execution.

If you’re ready to explore how FlairRepublic can support your business, whether through marketing consultancy or agency services, get in touch with us today.
